Hello guys!
Let's review what happened this week and be sure to do some stuffs before you come to class next week.
1. Twitter
We started tweeting! Be encouraged to tweet out as many as you can for class purposes. This week, some of you DMed me to ask something. I'd like to more encourage all of you to DM me if you have anythings to ask me in an informal way.
AND, Don't forget to follow Bella (@ia16b)! We missed her in the last class. Bella also makes sure to follow all of you.
2. Blogs
I've seen that most of you posted your BP#1 on time but some didn't. It's one of your responsibility. Each post counts 1.5 point so some think it's not important. But it will be a meaningful point for your whole grade at the end of the semester, I'm pretty much sure. If you don't post #1 yet, please do it.
You guys' BP#1 were great. They were very reflective and satisfactory, and many of you tried to leave comments on each other and it works.
Among your great BP#1s, I'd like to feature two things here. First, see the Marcus's BP#1. In the 3rd paragraph, he mentioned,
I have seen the differences between digital natives and immigrants. An example would be a professor who would type google.images.com to find an image. As a digital native I would first type what I was looking for and go to the images tab.Yes, I'm a kind of person who does typing a website address. I think the difference might result from the fact that I have been familiar with using keyboard rather than mouse. When I started to learn computers, a mouse was not primary input device. I used MS-DOS, which is keyboard-based OS. I'm still familiar with using keyboard instead of mouse. I use many shortcut commands associated with MS Office. That's the major difference between your generation (20's now) and my generation (30's now). And I'm pretty much sure the next generation (10's now?) is different from you. They may prefer "touch" screen instead of "mouse" clicking.
Second, about the term "digital natives", Will (visit his blog) mentioned,
I don’t agree with the term “digital native”, purely for the fact that it sets expectations of proficiency on the people. I think whoever made the term was trying to make some catch-all phrase, and that’s just not how life works.His statement is very impressive and makes us think of the term in a different perspective. It's absolutely true that we've seen many young people who are not good at technologies. As future teachers, you will face many kids (think about digital divide) who have not used computers before they go to school.
3. GICA Week2: Word Formatting Quiz
Everyone did a great job. I found just one thing that some of you might not be good at. Let me tell you about it in the next class.
4. Skill Check#1 Prep
I'm positively thinking that most of you will be fine in Skill Check#1. Remember, it's a timed test. No extra time will be given. So, if you are concerned about it, you may do practice. The required skills are indicated in the Blackboard.
5. Featured Student in Week2: Chip Nettina
Check out this post. Each week, we have a chance to see who is in our class. Through the featured student activity, I would like to get you guys to know each other.
6. Checklist for Week3
Make sure to check out these before you come to class in Week!
- Reading Chapter 11
- Podcast: Copyright & Fair Use
- Reading CSMI Best Practices for Media Literacy (in Blackboard)
- Blog Post #2 + at least 2 comments on other's BP#2 (by Tue 11:59PM)
- Tweet out at least 2 times in different days
- Skill Check#1 Prep
That's all. Feel free to DM me on Twitter. Ask anything if you have!
Have a great weekend and I will see you guys on Tuesday!
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